Interactive Stories at Edmonton Library

January 13, 2024

Today at the Edmonton Library, we had a fantastic workshop to start off 2024! We explored the world of crafting pop-up and interactive books inspired by Cairns. We learned cool techniques like the gully, V-fold, and parallel fold to make our stories visually stunning.

In the workshop, we played the roles of both writers and artists, turning our imaginative ideas into incredible books with characters and scenes that come to life off the page. It's a dream come true for anyone who loves creating and sharing unique stories. We're really excited to see the amazing creations you'll come up with!

During the workshop, our popup stories took flight in every direction! We created things like sprawling pop-out trees, sneaky lizards under flapping rocks, and animated chicken beaks enjoying worms. It was a blast, and some truly remarkable stories were brought to life and showcased.

A big shoutout to Cairns Libraries for inviting us to host this engaging and inspiring workshop. We're looking forward to seeing you there and witnessing the incredible stories you'll craft!

